
This is documentation for Rasa X Documentation v1.0.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (1.1.x).

Version: 1.0.x



Note: Rasa X is intended to be installed on a server and not to a personal/local machine. Installing on a server is recommended because Rasa X is designed to stay up continuously, and not to be frequently stopped or restarted.

Cluster Requirements

To install the Rasa X Helm chart, you need an existing Kubernetes cluster or OpenShift cluster. Setting up a Kubernetes / OpenShift cluster can be tedious, hence we recommend to get a managed cluster from a cloud provider like Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, Microsoft Azure, or Amazon EKS.

The requirements of the single pods can vary, especially those of the rasa-production and rasa-worker pods, dependent on the model size and what pipeline is used and the number of users. We recommend providing at least the following resources:

rasa-x11 GiB
event-service21 GiB
rasa-production22 GiB
rasa-worker44 GiB
nginx0.2200 MiB
app0.5200 MiB
duckling0.5200 MiB
postgresql1250 MiB
rabbit0.2250 MiB
redis0.2250 MiB

We recommend a size of 10 GiB for the Rasa X volume claim and at least 30 GiB for the database volume claim.

Installation Requirements

  1. Please check that you installed the Kubernetes or OpenShift command line interface (CLI). You can check this using the following command:

    kubectl version --short --client
    # The output should be similar to this
    # Client Version: v1.16.3

    If this command resulted in an error, please install the Kubernetes CLI or the OpenShift CLI depending on the cluster you’re using.

  2. Make sure that the Kubernetes / OpenShift CLI is correctly connected to your cluster. You can do so by using the following commands:

    kubectl version --short
    # The output should be similar to this
    # Client Version: v1.16.3
    # Server Version: v1.14.8-gke.12

    If you get an error when executing the command, you are not connected to your cluster. To get the command to connect to the cluster please consult your cluster’s admin or the documentation of your cloud provider.

    If you are using K3s for an embedded Kubernetes installation, please make sure that you exported the path to the Kubernetes config:

    export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
  3. Please make sure you have the Helm CLI installed. To check this, run:

    helm version --short
    # The output should be similar to this
    # v3.0.0+ge29ce2a

    If this command leads to an error, please install the Helm CLI.

    In case you are using a version <3 of Helm, please update to Helm version 3.

Subchart Versions

The Rasa X Helm charts by default make use of three Bitnami subcharts, which pull the images in the table below. These are the versions of the subcharts and images we test against:

SubchartChart VersionImageImage Version

If you choose to override the subchart defaults, or use external instances of them, you should verify in the relevant changelogs whether the versions you are using take different values than the ones listed below or on the Helm chart repo.